PLUDOZ Series 01
Estas son esculturas hechas a mano sobre una serie de figuras creadas por mi llamada "PLUDOZ".
(Creadas en arcilla polimérica sobre madera, pintadas a mano y cajas hechas individualmente)
These are the figures of a personal series of hand made sculptures called "PLUDOZ" (the english equivalent of "FURRYZ")
(Made in polymer clay on wood and hand painted with hand made box)
(Creadas en arcilla polimérica sobre madera, pintadas a mano y cajas hechas individualmente)
These are the figures of a personal series of hand made sculptures called "PLUDOZ" (the english equivalent of "FURRYZ")
(Made in polymer clay on wood and hand painted with hand made box)
Me puedes contactar en este correo: glenri arroba yahoo punto com