Official P'UPS Sketchcards set from 5finity

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Estas son las sketchcards de mi segundo set oficial para 5finity productions (USA).
Se trata de cachorros y chicas (P'ups), tema libre, todas hechas a mano con marcadores y creyones prismacolor.

Hice 10 sketchcards de una variación llamada "cats out of the bag" (gatos salidos del saco) (solo dos personas hicimos sobre esta variación) y 4 sobre cachorros que recibí de retorno (Artist Exclusive)


These are the ...
sketchcards i made for the P'UPS official set from 5finity productions. (my second official set)
I made 10 sketchcards about a variation called "cats out of the bag" (only two artists did those) and i made 4 with puppies which i got as return Artist Exclusive cards.

They where done in markers and colored pencils.